Am I Using My Rollator Correctly?

A rollator is the ideal mobility aid if you are looking for a little help in keeping your balance while walking. In our opinion, they are a fantastic aid and the benefits are numerous. We’ve actually written a separate article in the past covering just this, which you can read here! However, today we’re going to give you our expert advice so that you are walking with your rollator in the correct manner.

Drive Aluminum Rollator Red


1. Firstly, place your rollator in front of you and lightly place your hands on the handlebars. It is very important that you get your balance before you begin to walk.

2. Now when you feel comfortable to walk, gently roll the walker ahead of you as you move forward. We advise that you keep the rollator close enough to support you but not too close. You should not have to lean forward to reach the rollator. If this is the case, simply move the rollator closer to your body.

3. One of the most fundamental aspects to using your rollator correctly is simply keeping your steps even. We cannot stress this enough. If your gait is typically uneven, we recommend that you shorten your stride and take smaller steps.

4. Now to talk about turning correctly with your rollator. As you turn you should keep your body centred in front of the rollator. Try not to twist your back as you turn. Remember, the golden rule, you should always be facing the front of the rollator.

We hope that these tips will help you to use your rollator more confidently in the future. If you are still unsure about anything, please give us a call or drop us an email at any time to [email protected].

With our headquarters in Cork, we are Ireland’s leading provider of high quality and affordable rollators. We would be delighted to assist you on your journey to finding your most appropriate mobility aid. We also offer next day FREE DELIVERY on all in stock rollators, nationwide. You can check out our range of rollators here. Alternatively, visit our main store at