Mobility Aids Grant Scheme-Address Mobility in the House

Does your loved one suffer from a lack of mobility?

Is their house in need of an upgrade to allow them live independently?

The Mobility Aids Grant Scheme provides grants for works designed to address mobility problems in the home, such as the purchase and installation of grab-rails, a level access shower, access ramps or a stair-lift. It is primarily for older people, but people with disability can also access the scheme.


The grant is available to people with a maximum household income less than €30,000.

Your application will be prioritised based on medical need. Highest priority will be given to people who are terminally ill or where alterations/adaptions would facilitate discharge from hospital. When the local authority receives your application, it may request an Occupational Therapist’s (OT) assessment. The local authority can arrange for an OT assessment, but you can employ an OT to carry out an assessment and recoup up to €200 as part of the total grant up to the maximum you are entitled to.

Means test

Your total household income is assessed to find out if you qualify for the grant and at what level of assistance.

The maximum grant available is €6,000 and may cover 100% of the cost of the work.

Grants should be applied for via your local authority;

For further information; Call us at 025-24656!